Devlog #6 - Case Three Progress
Hi everyone! I'm very happy to announce that Case 3, For Peace and Love, I Present My Feast Ordained to an Honorable End, is well underway! Since there'll still be some time before it releases, I wanted to give everyone an update on my work, as well as a little teaser of what's to come. Let's get started!
As always, the overwhelming majority of my free time is spent working on One Thousand Acts of Decency, and I have a lot to show for it this time! Not only are all the character sprites, 3D models, and music finished, but the actual writing is very close to reaching that point. As for the CGs, they're not too far behind, either! At the suggestion of a friend, I even incorporated a small QoL change (which can be see in one of the images above. Can you spot it?) As I finish up writing the final third of the case, play-testing is going to take place on the middle portions. From the feedback I've gotten, this case seems to be the best of the three, so I'm crossing all my fingers that I can maintain this momentum and do justice to Chive's story.
Something I've been looking forward to doing is getting to introduce everyone to the new characters! Here's a brief profile on Dimitri Demikhov and Mateo Wechter, two of the other animals who get trapped underneath the Dome alongside Chive, Shallot, and Oscar.
Dimitri Demikhov, the dedicated cyborg
The grandson of Soviet expats, Dimitri seeks to carry on the legacy of his grandparents' homeland through the ambitious, unending pursuit of scientific advancement. Having been regaled with tales of the USSR's space program and the nuclear arms race that characterized the Cold War, he grew up with an romanticized admiration for the former nation's advancements in scientific endeavors. Despite being two generations removed from the former state and never having experienced it first hand, he still holds a quasi-nostalgic view of the nation's heyday, imagining it as a beacon of innovation, a place where the future was within society's grasp. Now equipped with an impressive understanding of biology, Dimitri seeks to singlehandedly jumpstart a new era of technological innovation and development for the sake of all life, attempting to honor a legacy he believes he fully understands.
Ironically, his body has been cybernetically-enhanced- the product of a field dismissed as pseudoscience by his grandparents' contemporaries. His body was developed all on his own, and the surgery to replace his previous, organic body was also carried out by his own hand (and presumably several thousand millilitres of anaesthesia.) While not an emotionally-driven man, Dimitri still views his own body with a quantifiable sense of pride, its capacity for further development and dramatically-extended life span. The unseen cost of this, however, is not to go unmentioned, even if Dimitri himself would prefer to keep it that way.
(Also, his theme music might be my favorite song I've written for this case.)
Mateo Wechter, the passionless composer

Mateo is a virtuoso in every sense of the word, which is why he was hired to assist in the production of a certain film. While his stoic, callous demeanor might not show it, he holds an unparalleled understanding of music composition. At the high level of music knowledge he's reached, music no longer sounds like 'music' to him, with every song becoming a series of intervals, chords, and rhythms rather than a whole. Now, this does mean that every song he writes is phenomenal, but it has come with quite the mental toll on the wolf.
To Mateo, the field of music composition is brainless- he can't think of anything easier than writing music. In his eyes, the conventions that make up music have lead to a branch of art with a fixed end point- a skill ceiling where no further development is possible. Being "stuck" in this field, he grew very jaded and cynical, finding absolute no joy (or emotion in general) from what many would claim to be one of the most evocative mediums of art. Mateo, however, would disagree- believing anyone naïve enough to be impressed by music to be too "boring" for him to interact with. And of course, anyone he views as "boring" is deserving of whatever snark he casts their way.
Until Next Time...
I'm very happy to announce that this case is nearing the end of its development, with my goal being to release it in a few weeks. The vast majority of the writing and art assets are done, with most of the remaining work being editing and testing. It's been a challenging case to write (for a number of reasons,) but I'm very pleased with how it's turning out, and I hope you all will be as well!
With For Peace and Love, I Present My Feast Ordained to an Honorable End's completion on the horizon, it's very exciting to see all of the case's pieces coming together, and even more exciting that it will soon be able to be played by everyone. I'd love to know what you're most excited for, any theories you have, or any general opinions on how the case is shaping up, so feel free share those comments on here, or in my Discord server (link below.) By joining, you can chat with myself and other fans, see behind the scenes/in-progress content from One Thousand Acts of Decency, as well as getting updates on new releases, trailers, and patches. I hope to see you there!
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One Thousand Acts of Decency
Trapped in a Dome with eight hours to catch a killer
Status | In development |
Author | domedev |
Genre | Visual Novel, Puzzle |
Tags | 3D, Crime, Furry, Mystery, Text based, Unity |
Languages | English |
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